Monday, April 22, 2013

Shut Up, Furby!

After all this time spent with Tank, I can't help but think he's missing something. I've come to discover that, while Furbies should, in theory, be incredibly annoying, they actually just go to sleep and remain sleeping for far too long. How can the Furby be properly irritating if it can sleep for weeks at a time? Where's the challenge?

I feel that this could be fixed if we gave Furbies a "sixth sense" of sorts. Their current senses include: hearing, feeling, and tasting, so I guess a "fourth sense" would be more appropriate. Like I said, I believe this sense should simply make the Furby more annoying, in keeping with Hasboro's mission statement.

Because of this, I believe Furbies should simply be able to sense when they are being annoying and who they are annoying, and make sure they make that person as annoyed as possible. It's like when a dog knows you don't like it, so it follows you around until you love it. Except the Furby isn't looking for love; it only wants pain.

I'm not entirely sure how feasible this is, but I can only that Hasboro's Furby engineers are currently working on a solution that is at least similar to the idea I have put forth. In case they are not, I plan on sending my plans in a manila envelop marked "URGENT" to their corporate offices.

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